Saturday, October 14, 2006

'What a shame that Freemasonry has sunk so low'

A friend recently shared with me a link to a PDF file of a speech given by Nelson King, BF, FPS, Editor of the Philathes Society in May, 2004. The speech discussed the history of the Prince Hall lodges, made up primarily of black Masons. Bro. King explores the many rumors and myths surrounding Prince Hall and Prince Hall Masonry. It is interesting reading about a subject few Masons — white or black — actually know anything about.

What really got my attention in this speech, though, was Bro. King's closing remarks. Sadly, his words ring very, very true. He said:
Over the last number of years it has become my custom to close with the following.

Brethren, I would like all of you to stand now I would like you to turn to the Brother beside you and grasp his hand with the Grip of a Mason.

Now I want you to ask yourself how many Masons would you trust with your life savings, your home, your family's well-being, and even your life, on that Grip.

If you are honest, the answers will be "not many" or "very few" or even "I can count on one hand the number that I would trust." Why even some of you, will say to yourself "not one."

Well, my Brethren, it never used to be like this. What a shame that Freemasonry has sunk so low. It is up to each and every one of you to help bring Freemasonry back to her former glory. Thank you and God Bless.
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